
I’m so excited for today. It is the first festival Lysimachus and I will attend together. We’ve been married for a month now and everything is perfect. As a scribe, chosen by Thoth, he gets a special place to enjoy the festival and record the event, and I will be at his side.

My sister, Charmain, and I generally work the fields and I was so late to the last festival that I nearly missed it. This one, however, I will be early and in the company of Lysimachus.
We draw looks as we walk together and I can feel my skin getting hot. Lysimachus smiles at me and squeezes his hands. He was chosen by the gods so his choice in me, he tells me, can’t be wrong. I can’t remember the last time a match outside classes, like ours, was made.
I try not to look bothered but I still wonder if I will ever belong with him. But the match was approved by our parents so I know I shouldn’t question it. And yet…
I still don’t know how he convinced his mother and father that he should marry me. More surprising still is how they’ve accepted me. They treat me kindly and they have arranged and procured a place for our new home.
My parents did put up a fight. I think they were worried about me. I understand. Why would someone so above our social class want to marry me? I still don’t know the answer.
I knew I loved him right away, but I’m not stupid. I never let myself hope we could be together even as I dreamed of touching his face. Little did I know, he felt the same way. And I am so lucky.
I’m young, but this is all I could have dreamt up. I’m in love and I’m so lucky. What could go wrong?
