Fox Files with Kara Winters

You know, I started the new year and was starting to wonder if all my traveling was over. However, last night proved me wrong. I was dreading it, but it was actually a pleasure. I guess I missed it more than I realized.
I found myself in an inexplicably decorated hotel with pink banners and I guess they were hosting a makeup convention.
I didn't even have to seek out my interviewee, she found me when she politely asked how she could help me. So stick around and get to know Kara Winters!

Kara: Hi there. Are you here for the convention?
Cali: Convention?
*That's when I noticed the pink banners.*
Cali: Oh, no. I'm not.
*Kara nodded and smiled.*
Kara: Are you checking in?
Cali: No. Umm, I'm not here for the hotel. This is going to sound weird, but may I interview you?
Kara: I'm sorry?
Cali: I'm with the paper and I interview locals for a kind of slice-of-life column.
Kara: And you want to interview me?
*I looked around.*
Cali: I would. Would that be okay? Do you have a moment? I won't be in your way.
Kara: I have a couple minutes, I suppose.
Cali: Thank you! So, what is your name?
Kara: Kara Winters.
Cali: Hi Kara. Nice to meet you. Where are you from?
Kara: I was born and raised in Florida, first by my parents and then by my Granny.
Cali: I loved my Grandma. She lived in a different state though so I didn't see her much. Don't judge my next question. I ask everyone. What’s your favorite color?
Kara: Definitely not peach or orange or pink. I wear a lot of blue when I am not at work.
Cali: Blue is absolutely my favorite color! Good choice! What do you like to do for fun?
Kara: Granny and I order pizza on Fridays.
*Her answer reminded me of my tradition with Lexi before she died and it made me really like Kara.*
Cali: That's so sweet. Tell me about her.
Kara: The most important person in my life is Granny. She took me in and raised me after my parents decided to get rid of me. Granny has been so great. She has taught me so much and taken such good care of me. I never would have learned to handle the visions if it wasn’t for Granny talking me through it.
Cali: The visions?
Kara. Well, my life is pretty mundane, but at work the other day, I met a man named Cole Davenport. For some reason, I had a vision of some lady being murdered. So now, my best friend Emmett and I are trying to figure out who gets murdered and who the murderer is. I’m really hoping it isn’t Cole. He’s so dreamy.
Cali: Umm, wow. That sounds really stressful.
Kara: I really hope we can solve this.
Cali: I can only imagine. Do you have plans for after?
Kara: Someday, I want to fall in love and get married, but guys aren’t interested in weird girls like me.
Cali: I think you'd be surprised. I'm not exactly normal either. What are you doing to solve the vision?
Kara: Emmett and I are spying on Cole Davenport and looking for clues.
Cali: What's the hardest part about figuring it all out?
Kara: My vision wasn’t clear enough to know all the details about the murder, so we aren’t even sure where or when the murder takes place.
Cali: I think it's really cool that you're doing this!
*Someone called her name from around the corner of the room.*
Kara: Oh I'm sorry, I really need to go. I'll try to come back.
*I don't know if she came back or not. As soon as she was out of view, I was back in bed.*

I looked up Kara and found out she really followed through on tracking down her vision.
There is a book about the whole thing too.
Kara Winters is tired of her dead-end job as a desk clerk at the run-down Sparkling Sands Resort. Nothing exciting ever happens until hunky Cole Davenport checks in. Kara accidentally brushes his fingertips and is launched into a psychic vision of a murder, and she thinks Cole might be the killer.
Enlisting the help of her best friend Emmett and her beer-guzzling Granny, Kara sets out to stop the murder before it occurs.
Will she be able to catch the killer and prove Cole's innocence, or has she fallen for a murderer?

You can check it out HERE!

Teresa Taylor 94