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Fox Files with Alexia Harper

Okay, umm, yeah. Welcome back to Fox Files. I think I've officially lost my mind. You read that title right. I went back in time and visited my dead best friend.


I thought I was over her but this whole thing, I don't know. I feel...something this morning. Not awful. Not the soul-crushing sadness I expected. So I guess that's a relief. I mean, I have been crying, but, it's hard to explain. I'm so confused. Why Alexia? Why now?

Most confusingly...when?

Yeah. You read that right.


Alexia died in a car crash on April 12th, 2005. I didn't go back that far. She said it was 5 years after she died. The whole thing was just...wild.

I can't talk about it anymore, I'm just going to put it out there.

It happened the way these things always happen. One minute I was just there. There, in this case, was some massive backyard. It just seemed endless, yet so welcoming. It was warm and beautifully landscaped and it just relaxed me. The moon was huge in the night sky and it was dark, but I had no problems seeing. It has been a cold, crappy winter here in Colorado, so I was happy to be wherever I was, even if it was just for these brief moments.

Then I saw her.


Cali: Lexi?

*She turned around and I saw her face for the first time in years. Her living, breathing face. She stood in front of me and smiled broadly.*

Lexi: What are you doing out here? I thought everyone had gone to bed.

Cali: What?

*Lexi screwed up her face and looked at me.*

Lexi: Are you okay?

Cali: No. I'm not.

Lexi: What is the matter?

Cali: Lexi you're...

*And it was at this moment that I didn't know what to say. I didn't know where we were. I didn't want to tell her she was going to die. I didn't know what to say.*

Lexi: Cali? What's going on?

Cali: Why aren't you surprised I'm here?

Lexi: What do you mean? Awake and outside with me?

Cali: No. Like wherever we are. Where are we?

Lexi: Did you hit your head today during training?

Cali: What training? I'm sorry Lexi, I don't know where we are. What is happening? Where are we right now?

*Lexi didn't say anything for a long time. She examined me. She reached out and almost touched the burn scar blooming across my chest.*

Lexi: You're not the Cali sleeping upstairs.

Cali: No. Wait, what? I'm upstairs?

Lexi: Are you Blaine?

Cali: Who's Blaine?

*She studied me for another long, uncomfortable minute.*

Lexi: When you first came to school, what did the teacher draw on the nametag on your desk?

Cali: Umm...the fox? Is that what you mean?

*Her shoulders relaxed*

Lexi: You're really you.

Cali: Who else would I be? Who is Blaine?

Lexi: It's a long story. How are you here? I don't know what I can or should tell you.

Cali: I don't know how. I have all these dreams where I go to the past and see people. It's been strangers every time. I don't know why I'm here.

Lexi: The past? So I'm from the past?

*I didn't know how to answer this without telling her she was going to die*

Cali: I don't know. Tell me where we are. When is this?

Lexi: Cali, I'm dead. You know that, right?

Cali: You know you're going to die?

Lexi: Not going to. I did. 5 years ago. This is my own purgatory, or whatever. Blaine is the dude that trapped me here.

*She looked at my burn scar again*

Lexi: You're burned.

Cali: There was this fire.

Lexi: I know. Look, maybe don't tell me much about where you came from or the fire. I know your body is still stuck in the living world and you're soul is here. This traveling thing must be because of that. I don't know what you're going to remember when you wake up. I'm doing everything I can to get you and Dustin back into your bodies. We are going to beat Blaine.

Cali: Will you come back?

Lexi: Cali, I'm dead. I'm not coming back. Not in this lifetime anyway.

*I paused for a moment. I didn't know what was happening but my gut told her not to tell her I was from 2023, so I didn't. My gut also told me not to dive too deeply into the fire and how part of me was here while my body was elsewhere.*

Cali: I don't know why I'm here.

Lexi: You said you've done this before?

Cali: Yeah, but always with strangers.

Lexi: What do you usually talk to them about?

Cali: I ask questions about their life. Favorite colors, important people in their lives, what's going on. Stuff like that.

Lexi: Purple.

Cali: I remember.

Lexi: I'm not alive, but I've got some weird stuff going on.

Cali: Like the fact that you're still alive?

Lexi: I'm not alive like you. I'm here, in this other place. Existing. I could live again. But not as Alexia. She's dead and I'm what's left.

Cali: You're her soul?

Lexi: Her Essence.

Cali: And you could be reincarnated?

Lexi: Yeah. I have a bunch of times. You too. And we're always friends or sisters. We're bonded.

Cali: Really? That's really sweet. I guess that makes sense. You know, I mean, why it was so hard when I lost you.

Lexi: I know. We've talked about it some. I mean, with the you that's here. Do you remember any of that?

*I shook my head*

Lexi: Gregory and Leland said you wouldn't.

Cali: Who?

Lexi: It doesn't matter. You didn't know them in life. Not this one. It's really confusing.

Cali: Lexi, what's going on here? Why are we here? Why did I come here after the fire? Where is here?

Lexi: You remember the fire?

*I nodded*

Lexi: I don't know what I can tell you.

Cali: Tell me something.

*Lexi looked around*

Lexi: We're in Jaydee still. I mean kind of. My version of it. Your parents' house is here. Just down the street. I moved in here after I realized I was dead. That took a long time. Leland, who you don't know, showed up and helped me figure it out. There was a you here, but she wasn't you. She wasn't the you upstairs either. Ugh, I'm not explaining this well. She was just an imagined you. I am glad I get to see the real you again before, well, before whatever is going to happen happens.

Cali: This is surreal.

Lexi: Tell me about it.

Cali: What is going to happen?

Lexi: We have to fight this guy, Blaine. He is the guy who killed me. The guy who tried to kill you in the fire.

Cali: The fire was an accident, not arson. You were in a car accident.

Lexi. Yeah, but he caused the lightning that hit my car. He did it all. He murdered me. And he's trying to kill my Essence.

Cali: Why?

Lexi: We have power. He wants it.

*Someone called her name from the house and she turned away from me*

Lexi: In a minute.

*I started to fade away and was reminded of the many times I'd seen or even spoken to Lexi after she died only for her to fade away. This time I was the one fading. As she turned her head back to me, I felt myself slipping away*


I sat up crying out her name and waking Dustin up. I told him I saw Lexi when I traveled and I don't even know what he said to me. I cried. Why didn't I hug her while I was there?

I don't know much, but what I know is that after I woke up from the fire, she was gone. I never felt her or saw her again. I mean, there was the thing at my wedding, but I'm sure I imagined that. It was never the same after the fire and I don't know if I changed or if she was gone.

I don't want to research her. I know who she was and how she died. I miss my best friend.


Hey everyone! This is Niki, breaking into Cali's blog. She is, after all using my space so I'll just tack my thoughts onto the end.

Cali didn't do the research to see that I wrote a book all about her and Lexi. I know what happened. I know who Blaine is.

It's been two years since I finished their story, and I love revisiting them and I'm really glad Cali got to have one last talk with her best friend.

If you want to find out what happened between them and who Blaine is, you should grab yourself a copy of Last Time She Died.



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