
It’s the warmest day I can remember since we arrived here. The seasons are changing, but I feel like we may rest in this place until the warmth starts to fade. The men have brought back meat on each hunt and we are surrounded by berries, even this early in the season.
The cold water of the stream laps at my ankles as I lounge on the shore. I am safe. My children splash in the shallow water. They are safe.
My two boys look so much alike, but my youngest, my little girl, she looks just like me.
None of them are old enough to remember when that creature took their brother.
On this warm day in this lovely place, it’s hard to even believe it happened. Loss is just part of life, and yet, I still miss my son.
Would I even recognize the place if our clan settled there again? Yes. I think I would. I think I’ll always remember it. And the creature that took my boy? Lurking in the shadows. So stealthy. I only saw paw prints the next morning. Was it a mother just feeding her babies? Was it a god? Surely not. It left a paw print. Not the footsteps the goddess would leave. Not the hoofprints of the bull.

I dream of that day still. I hear his screams. Did he scream? I don’t know. I didn’t hear him. No one did. Maybe he was unafraid. Young, but so brave. Lost to me now everywhere but in my mind.
My children call to me now, clearing away the daydreams of my lost child. I still have these three. And we are here, for now, in this land that can offer some comfort.
The last sacrifice broke the clan’s unlucky streak. The goddess smiles on us now. I smile back and the sparkling water twinkles her happy reply.
I love my children and I have many friends here. I am loved and I am safe but there has always been something missing. I feel disconnected from my world. The only thing that keeps me grounded is the fear of losing the rest of my children.
But I won’t. They are here and they will stay.
For now, the blood debt has been paid. We are all safe. For now.
