A Nameless Girl

I was once lost.
I don’t know where my family went. I don’t know where I was. I don’t remember them. I don’t even remember my name. I remember the sun and I remembered dying. It hurt. I was so hungry, and I knew, at any moment I would finally be dead and the pain would stop.
And then there was a boy. I stared, unblinking at the sun and suddenly, he was there. The light behind him made his hair glow.
That’s all I could think. He was beautiful. A god, maybe. I’d died and he had come for me.

But I knew I wasn’t dead. I still hurt. The rocks below me still dug into my skin.
He said something, I have no idea what. He helped me off the ground. Perhaps he carried me. I don’t remember. I remember his touch and the heat it brought with it. He smiled and I didn’t want to die anymore.
Before long, I stood in front of his father. Harsh lines cut the man’s face and though his eyes looked like the boy’s that saved me, there was no warmth there.
My stomach groaned and something softened in the man. I left in the room with the boy and a soft fur. A tall woman brought us food and water. The boy didn’t eat, but he smiled when I did.
And I slept. I don’t know for how long.
When I woke, we were moving, and I was being carried. The boy helped carry me and his eyes were soft when he met mine.
We stopped, we rested, we moved again. On and on for I’m not sure how long. Not long, I think. His father wouldn’t have kept me around, useless as I was, for more than two moons.
The boy spoke to me every day, though I didn’t know the language. One day, he kissed me. His father saw and I thought he would kill me on the spot.
A woman threw herself at me and cried. I don’t know what she said, but I wonder if she lost her own child. She screamed at the man and when he left, the woman took me to her tent. She is kind to me. I like her.
Our tent is always as far away from the boy’s as possible.
But still, I see him. And he sees me.
He teaches me his words. I can understand some, but the only word I can say is his name. In my words, I think it means ‘light’.
If the woman I stay with knows I see him, she says nothing.
I am lucky.
I am happy.
I have family.
I’m no longer lost.
