
My sister Cassandane and I walk along the roads. She giggles as we near the market and I feel a smile stretch across my teeth. Two years older than me, she’s always had this effect on me. She will be married soon and, of course, has many suitors. I pray for one that keeps her close to me.
She casually pulls us towards Derafsh, the man she hopes to wed. I like him but still feel a pang of jealousy. Derafsh isn’t alone today though. He stands with a man who looks just like him, only three inches taller. The stranger smiles at me and I feel my smile falter. Something flutters in my stomach and I’m not sure what to say.
Cassandane gives me a strange look but then giggles and glances at the new man. I follow her eyes and my gaze locks onto his. I want to introduce myself. I want to look as casual and beautiful as my sister. But no. I’m slumped over and unable to speak. What’s wrong with me?
I suspect he will leave as Cassandane and Derafsh begin talking. It’s always the same with them. Fast and full of smiles. She giggles, he smiles so wide I can see his molars. Most don’t have the patience to be around them. But the man stays. And I’m not sure if it’s my imagination or not, but I think he moves closer to me. I glance at him a few times, and twice I catch his eyes on mine. Each time I break the look and stare at the ground. Once I hear him laugh and my stomach drops at the thought of him laughing at me.
What a strange feeling.
Did Derafsh even tell us his name? I don’t remember. It would have been strange not to have introduced him, yet I can’t recall a single word and I have no idea what to call this man.
When I look at him again, he is inarguably closer. He says hello and I squeak back a strange response. He smiles. I watch his lips move as he speaks. I have no idea what he’s saying. After a while he pauses. Is he waiting for a response? I feel my mouth pop open, but no words come out.

I want to turn and run home. I’m such a fool. I can’t leave Cassandane though. It’s like she hears her name in my thoughts and turns to me. She has a momentary look of worry and then she laughs, but not at me. Or, at least not at my expense. She says goodbye to Derafsh and takes my hand, leading me away from the two. I watch over my shoulder as the man waves to me. I wave back, surprised my hand could manage such a task before turning back to my sister. She’s smiling down at me with a devilish grin.
I’m just ready to go home and crawl into bed. She asks how I liked Derafsh’s brother and what we talked about. Brother? How had I missed that? The look on her face when I told her I didn’t say a word made me laugh. Finally, the knot in my stomach untwisted. I would likely see the man again. Next time, I’d be ready. I would say actual words. And remember his name.
I hoped.
The thought of seeing him again brought the smile back to my face and I looked up to the clear sky and took a deep breath. It would be a good day.
