
When I was a child, a group of men came to our shores. Our island was invaded. They stole our valuables - our food, our gold, our peace – and then they left.
They called themselves Ostmen.
Since then, they have created settlements along shores nearby to make raiding our villages easier.
A month ago, they landed on our shores again.
My father left with most of the other men to fight them. He made sure my sister’s husband, Deagán, stayed to protect us.
We woke up last night to our livestock being stolen. Deagán ran from the house and managed to chase them off, but we lost so much.

And then, Deagán disappeared.
My sister, Ciara, stared out into the field that night until it was dark. For days, she refused to leave her bed.
I was out tending the crops, as it’s most of the food we have left now, when a man showed up. Stupid me for being outside alone, but I didn’t know what else to do.
He said something I didn’t understand and collapsed at my feet. He had an injury to his chest that had festered, but I’ve seen worse.
I should have let him die, but I couldn’t. I dragged him to a safe place and bound his wounds. I waited, but he didn’t wake up. I went to check on Ciara, but she still sat soggy-eyed on her bed and I couldn’t bring myself to tell her about the man.
He was awake when I returned. He speaks some of my language. He seems to understand me. His name is Leif.
We talked, as best we could, every time I could steal away. On the third day, I told him about Deagán. I’m not sure why.
Leif stood and said something. His language and his accent are hard for me to understand, but I think he told me the Ostmen are holding some men. Is he telling me he might know where Deagán is?
I watched him walk away, but instead of leaving, he turned and waved for me to follow. It was late in the day. I shouldn’t have followed. I knew Ciara would go mad if I didn’t return.
But I wanted to follow. Our short time together made me believe he was trying to help find Deagán. Why? I wasn’t sure. Maybe because I didn’t kill him and bound his injury.
I knew it could be a trap, but I didn’t think I had a choice.
And I was right. He took me to where Deagán was. He helped me free him and when Deagán and I headed for home, he walked with me.
When we got home, Deagán thanked him and invited him in for the night. He’s been here ever since, but he says he isn’t safe with us. That we aren’t safe letting him stay.
Yesterday, raiders showed up again and I think Leif is right. Ciara told him he had to leave in the morning.
As I was sleeping, I heard a knock on my door and when I cracked it open, he was there. I should have closed the door but I let him in.
He begged me to leave with him. He said we had to sneak out while my family slept. To run in the night and live in a faraway land where he could keep me safe. He said we could stay gone and keep my family safe and stay together.
I hate the thought of leaving Ciara and never saying goodbye to my father. But the thought of being without Leif is like someone ripped a hole in my chest. I should stay. I should send him away.
But I won’t. I will go. I will start a new life.
We will start a new life.
