
As I walk to one of the five lovely lakes that surround us, I breathe in the clean scent of our new home. We have been here almost a year now, but I still feel joy every morning when I see it. I look back at our simple hut, just mud and straw. It’s sturdy and perfect.
I rub my swollen belly. Any day our first child will be coming. I slowly lower myself so I’m sitting at the water’s edge. I dip my feet in and watch the cool water run over my toes.

I feel rather than hear Livius approach behind me. He sinks down on the shore and rubs my sore back. I smile and lean my head back into his chest as he wraps his strong hands around our child. I feel the baby move, as if happy we are all together on this lovely morning.
Livius convinced me we should move here. I’d been in doubt but every day since we arrived has been better than the last. Now, with our child, we’d have a new beginning again. A family. Love.
We could be eternal.
