
This week has been so wonderful. I was with my sister, Casaqa, and the sun was out but not burning down on us. The water sparkled and blew its briny scent our way. She was telling me a story and I saw him. I’ve seen him before. He helps build the fleet. I’ll be honest, I don’t remember the story my sister was telling.
He strolled our direction and smiled at me. His name is Laccumaces.

Gods, I swear! He’s handsome and so kind. He brought me a necklace the next day. He’d stayed up the night before to make me the gift.
And we’ve met every night since.
Even Casaqa, always commenting on my negativity and bad luck, approves of him. We can’t all be lucky like her and meet the love of our life as children.
But I think Laccumaces was worth the wait. I can’t wait to spend eternity with him!
Yesterday afternoon, he had a conversation with my father. I couldn’t hear the words, but my father smiled and clapped him on the back like they were old friends. Last night we had supper together and he seemed so at ease with my family, as if he’d always been here with us.
Tomorrow I will share a meal with his family. I hope after that, both of our families will bless us, and we can join our households. I lay out in the sun now, thinking of my future. Something I’d never considered before. What a change a couple of days can make.
