Fox Files with Asaf Levitt

Welcome back to Fox Files! This week I'm not even sure I traveled back at all. It could have been today. What I do know is that I was not here in Jaydee. I somehow traveled to Jerusalem and met Asaf Levitt.
Asaf was a really twitchy dude and I can't even remember how we met. Suddenly I was just sitting there with him. It was a small apartment with one cupboard and a table. It was tidy but had no character. We sat on a sofa and he perched on the edge while sitting on his hands. He looked like he was going to run at any second.
So let's get to it!
Cali: What’s your name?
Asaf: As…
*He cleared his throat and wouldn't look at me.*
Asaf: Asaf Levitt.
Cali: I can tell you're nervous. I really appreciate you talking to me. As I said, I'm just doing a silly little slice of life article about people in town. I promise not to get into anything too deep.
*I waited for him to look at me. He wouldn't make eye contact but he looked toward me and that was enough. I pressed on.*
Cali: What’s your favorite color?
Asaf: I…I don’t know. I mean…I don’t really have one.
Cali: That's okay. Everyone keeps telling me it's a stupid question. But I like colors and I can't seem to stop asking it. You don't have to answer. Tell me about where you're from.
Asaf: I grew up in Ashkelon, by the sea…the Mediterranean Sea. Now I live in Jerusalem.
Cali: Very cool. It's my first time here. What do you like to do for fun?
*He frowned at me, as if he'd never heard the word.*
Asaf: Fun?
*I cleared my throat. This wasn't going well and I think his panic was contagious.*
Cali: Hobbies?
*He almost smiled. Maybe I could salvage this.*
Asaf: I like to read. I go to shows at the theatre, sometimes. And I like to walk.
Cali: Oh cool. Quite a variety. What do you like about them?
*He looked down and bit his lip. I took a deep breath thinking maybe I'd lost him again.*
Asaf: I guess I like reading and theatre because they take me away from myself. And walking because it helps me to think clearly. It’s also good exercise and good to breathe fresh air.
Cali: I like that. Do you have anyone important in your life?
Asaf: Nathalie is my fiancée, but I don’t really deserve her.
Cali: Why do you think that?
Asaf: She’s too good for me…too perfect. I can’t believe she could stick with someone like me.
Cali: I thought that before marrying my husband. Don't be so hard on yourself. Is there anyone else in your life? Friends or...?
Asaf: My parents, brother, and sister are all in Ashkelon. I haven’t seen them for ages.
*He trailed off and watched the floor.*
Cali: Some kind of rift?
Asaf: No, I just haven’t got round to visiting.
Cali: Distance can be tough. What about friends or colleagues?
*He mumbled something incomprehensible, presumably to get out of answering.*
Cali: Okay then. Umm, what’s going on in your life now?
Asaf: Work and Nathalie. That’s all.
*By this point I was starting to get confused. Everyone else I'd met in these weird little dream excursions reached out to me for a reason but I couldn't figure Asaf out. He clearly didn't want to talk to me but he wasn't leaving. I couldn't figure out what had drawn him to me. I suppressed a sigh because there had to be a reason and, I mean, I was already here so I figured I might as well find it.*
Cali: Do you have any goals or plans for your future?
Asaf: Marriage, if it works out. Then family. I mean…starting one of our own. We’re supposed to be traveling together to visit my family and hers.
Cali: You don't sound very excited about the family visits.
Asaf: I’m…scared of messing up. Then her family will think I’m not worthy of her and mine will just laugh at me.
Cali: That's sad. I guess I see your hesitation. So how do you see yourself getting to that future?
Asaf: I think Nathalie’s the one who’s working at it. She’s constantly telling me she loves me and I’m the one for her and everything will work out…with her and with our families.
Cali: She sounds sweet. What is standing in your way?
Asaf: I’m the only one standing in the way. I know that’s true, yet I can’t seem to change the way I think.
*He finally looked me in the eyes. Something had changed in his pretty blue eyes. He wasn't frightened anymore and there was something so raw about the way he was admitting his innermost thoughts, despite the embarrassment that must have caused him. I wasn't really sure what to say then.*
Asaf: Thank you for your time. It was lovely speaking with you.
*He rose, shook my hand, and walked to the door and held it open for me.*

I woke without having a very good read of him or his situation, but when I googled him I found some interesting things. This sweet, baby-faced man who was afraid to look at me had been arrested for murder. He'd been almost immediately released, but the fact that someone thought it was possible for HIM to kill someone amazed me.
It seems Natalie didn't believe it either.
An unexpected murder. A suspect with a reason. The power of unwavering belief.
A murder has been committed in an office in Jerusalem. That’s for sure. The rest is not as clear-cut as it might seem.
Asaf languishes in his cell, unable to tell his story even to himself. How can he tell it to someone who elicits such fear within him?
His colleague, Nathalie, has studied Beauty and the Beast. She understands its moral. Maybe that’s why she’s the only one who believes in Asaf, the suspect. But she’s new in the company – and in the country. Would anyone take her opinion seriously?
She coerces her flatmates, Yarden and Tehila, into helping her investigate. As they uncover new trails, will they be able to reverse popular opinion?
In the end, will Beauty’s belief be strong enough to waken the Beast? Or, in this case, can Style waken the Solitary?
If you'd like to dive a little deeper into Mr. Asaf Levitt, Author Miriam Drori has written a book on him and Natalie! Check it out here!
You can find out more about Drori on her website!
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