Fox Files with Ethan Balfour

Well hello again my Fox Fans, haha. This week on Fox Files, we don't go back too far, but I did meet with a strange character.
I found myself in this ritzy hotel and at the bar was a group of people that way out-classed me. Somehow no one noticed, or maybe they were just too polite to say anything.
There was one guy who just seemed out of place and, as always. I knew he was the one I needed to talk to. He was decent looking and well-dressed. He fit in with everyone in the room, but there was just something about him.
So, let's get into my meeting with the charming, but a little creepy, Ethan Balfour.
Cali: Hi, sorry to bother you. I feel a little out of place.
*He looked around*
Cali: I work for a newspaper and...
Ethan: You want to ask about the murders? Why me?
Cali: Murders?
Ethan: All the people from the column.
*I shook my head*
Cali: I'm new to the area and I'm just doing slice-of-life kind of interviews. I was sent here to find someone to talk to.
Ethan: Yeah?
Cali: Yeah. It's weird. It makes me uncomfortable. But you looked sort of like you needed a break so I thought maybe you'd want to talk.
Ethan: I see.
Cali: But, I mean, I didn't mean to put you on the spot. We don't...I can go.
Ethan: No. It's fine. Ask away.
*I swear my swallow was loud enough that the bartender could hear. I felt completely uncomfortable and it was the first time I wondered if I'd made a mistake*
Cali: Thank you. Umm, so, like I said, My name is Cali. Did I say?
*Ethan shoot his head and had just the hint of a smirk*
Cali: Right. Well, my name is Cali. What’s your name?
Ethan: Ethan Balfour.
Cali: Nice to meet you, Ethan.
*He pulled a face that made something in my stomach flop.*
Ethan: You really don't know me?
*I shook my head*
Ethan: Or about the murders?
Cali: What murders? I'm sorry, I've been traveling so I guess I've missed something.
Ethan: I'd say so. So go on with your 'slice of life' questions.
Cali: What’s your favorite color?
Ethan: Probably green or grey.
Cali: Thanks.
Ethan: You seem surprised.
Cali: Mostly that you just answered. Most people give me crap for the weird question.
Ethan: Well now I think it's weird.
*He smirked and I laughed.*
Cali: Tell me about where are you from.
Ethan: I’m from Manhattan, where I still live.
Cali: I've never been anywhere like this. What do you like to do for fun?
Ethan: Hmmm…I suppose it’s been a while since I really “had fun.” New York is of course an exciting and fascinating city, and I have lots of friends, though I’m not terribly close with any of them (or my family). But I have an active social life when I’m not working.
Cali: It's nice to have an active social life. Tell me about the people in your life.
Ethan: Well, as I said, no really close friends at this point. There are my parents, my hard-working if not always discerning father, and my witty and charming mother. Then there’s my sister, who I suppose you could describe as a work in progress without either the work or the progress.
Cali: I love that description of your sister. I'm sure she will make you proud though. What’s going on in your life now?
Ethan: Funny you should ask. Various bright and beautiful – and above all very wealthy – friends of mine are being murdered. No one is sure exactly who’s doing it or why, or even if there’s any connection.
Cali: Well that's terrifying.
Ethan: Yeah, the cops have asked for my help with several of them.
*Something in my gut told me to walk away, but I didn't listen.*
Cali: Why you?
Ethan: Because I knew them all.
Cali: Were you able to help?
*He almost laughed but then coughed. Like someone trying to cover it up. His face looked sad, but not quite. There was something hiding there.*
Ethan: I probably shouldn't talk about it.
Cali: Of course. Do you have any goals or plans for your future?
Ethan: I’d like to strike out on my own, maybe with a line of men’s clothes or something of the sort. Of course, that’s assuming this murder spree comes to an end and I come through it unscathed.
Cali: Do you think you're on the list?
Ethan: I don't know that I'd qualify.
Cali: What do you mean?
Ethan: I probably shouldn't have said anything.
*There was a long pause and I wasn't sure what to say.*
Cali: Alright. Well, what are you doing to reach your goal?
Ethan: Hm, not enough, I’m afraid. My father and I are trying to keep the family business afloat, or at least pass it on to someone else before it drags us all down with it.
Cali: That sounds stressful.
Ethan: Yes. Capital or lack thereof is his main focus these days. And this disconcerting business of so many people around me dropping dead.
*I found it odd that he kept bringing up the murders but while I was deciding if I should ask about them again or not, I faded away and woke up in my bed.*

As soon as I woke up, I rolled out of bed. It was way too early but I had to look up this guy and see what was going on. My instincts were correct. He is dangerous. Well, was, I guess.
There is even a book written about it. It was written by Jeffrey Metzger.
A wedding. A stalker. It’s murder!
Someone is stalking the members of New York’s wealthy elite.
A series of murders has targeted some of Manhattan’s most affluent families, and the connection appears to be the exclusive wedding announcements column in The New York Primrose.
Ethan Balfour, a young member of one such family, is thrust into the middle of the investigation when the police ask his help in navigating the world of his often preposterous – and oblivious – peers. Now, he splits his time between the police and the world of old money and high society, trying to uncover what, if anything, links the murders.
Reluctantly, Ethan finds himself drawn ever deeper into the case – until its final shocking revelation.
Will the culprit be caught before another member of the illustrious circle falls victim?
You should check it out!
Check out Metzger's website here.
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