Fox Files with Jacob Anderson

This week on Fox Files, I didn't actually travel back very far. I'm not sure I traveled back at all, actually, I just ended up in Edinburgh, Scotland. I'm trying to figure out what connects these travels of mine, but I'm not really sure there is anything that does.
In any event. I met someone named Jacob Anderson. I'm not sure what drew me to him, but like the others, I knew he was the one I should talk to. So I did. Like always, it was worth it.
On to the interview.

Cali: Hi there! I know this is weird, but my name is Cali fox and I'm interviewing people for the local paper.
Jacob: Yeah?
Cali: Yes. I was wondering if I could interview you.
*He nodded*
Cali: What’s your name?
Jacob: Jacob Anderson
Cali: Where are you from?
Jacob: I’m from Edinburgh, Scotland.
*I've never been to Scotland but I took a shot here*
Cali: So you're from here?
Jacob: Yeah
Cali: It's lovely. Do you have a favorite color?
*He blinked at me, probably because of the stupid question. Maybe I should rotate it out*
Cali: I like to use colors the people I interview like in their columns.
Jacob: I see. Blue.
Cali: Oh! Me too. I love blue!
*He didn't say anything and I almost thought at this point I was annoying him and he would just leave.*
Cali: So, Jacob, umm, what do you like to do for fun?
Jacob: I have a passion for electronic music and love to search out tracks I’ve never heard.
Cali: I love music. I used to be really closed off about what I liked but I love finding new stuff and listening to things that a few years ago, I would have ignored.
Jacob: Cool.
Cali: Tell me about the people in your life.
Jacob: My world revolves around my partner Eve. She’s pregnant with our first child so it’s an exciting time for us, but stressful as well. We both have demanding jobs in IT and it’s going to be a big adjustment for us. Our best friends, Ben and Hannah both work in the same industry. We’ve known each other from university and when we entered hacking competitions as students. We’ve stayed in touch and all live around the city.
Cali: Congrats on the new baby! What an exciting time!
Jacob: Thank you.
Cali: What else is going on around you in the world today?
Jacob: I’m focused on defending computer networks from cyber attack. I view the world in terms of risk and how systems and people can be compromised. I’m paid to be paranoid and because of my training it’s difficult to avoid seeing threat everywhere. The level of attacks on companies is increasing and the interference of nations states is worrying. It keeps me up at night.
Cali: I don't know anything about that but it sounds scary. Do you like it?
Jacob: Well, I’ve landed a job as a CISO with a cyber defence firm. That’s Chief Information Security Officer. I’m one of the youngest in the country. My immediate goal is to try and stick it out, as typically CISO’s last about eighteen months before moving on. I’d like to stay longer and make a difference to the company and our clients. As we have a baby on the way, I will need to prioritize my time as I want to be present when they are growing up and be there for Eve. That’s my main goal. Try to do better and be there for my family. I’d also like to take on other C roles in other firms though and hopefully move into a role where I advise people on what they need to do in cyber without having the responsibility of ensuring it’s done.
Cali: Well that's very cool. What are your next steps?
Jacob: I’ve trained and worked for seven years to get into this role, so right now, I’m just trying to learn as much as I can on the job and establish myself as someone reliable and can cope well in a crisis.
Cali: What's holding you back, in your mind?
Jacob: Imposter syndrome. There is so much to know, and I’m aware of not knowing it all, but I’m paid well to be in the position I’m in, so it’s scary at times. I can make mistakes, and if I screw up, the consequences can be huge. I just need to work on my confidence and keep trying to be the best I can.
Someone called his name before I could ask him another question. Something flashed across his face and my first thought was that he was in danger.
I woke up before I could figure out what happened. I googled him, and he's still out there. In Scotland. He's real and he really does have an interesting story. I wish I could have gotten into more of it while I was with him. I did find an amazing book all about him though.
Computer hacker, Jacob Anderson, accepts a job in a cyber defence firm, which is due to sign a high-profile government contract. Eager to impress his new employers, he takes on Dark Light, a company that offers a free trial of their anti-threat system. But in his haste, he fails to check their credentials thoroughly…
When he realises Dark Light intend to steal government data, he tries to back out of the deal. But a film from a hotel bedroom during a student hacking competition seven years earlier triggers a sextortion attempt, putting pressure on him to pass control of the network to his adversaries.
Backed into a corner, Jacob reunites the old hacking team from his university days with the intention of taking the Dark Light computers down.
As a target on the Kill Chain, can Jacob maintain his code of ethics while knowingly breaking the law? Or will one last hack allow him to regain control of the security his employers, the government, and his family have entrusted him to protect?
Check out Author GJ Scobie's book, The Kill Chain, to learn more about Jacob Anderson. You can find it HERE!
Scobie has his own website HERE
or find him on