Niki's Review: What's in Store?

No, that's not the name of a book. No, this isn't a book review. Then what the heck is it? It's just me, posting because I feel like some people like my reviews (thanks to the 2 or 3 of you out there who read these all the time) and I am wildly inconsistent with my posts.
So let me explain!
These things take FOREVER! I have to read a book, then I have to go through the whole thing again (and sometimes again) and write it all out beat for beat. Honestly, my reviews are mostly just a long synopsis with my thoughts sprinkled in. I gave up on 'judging them' out loud a while ago because my tastes might not be yours and since we don't enjoy the same things all the time, I'd rather just tell you what's going on and you can make an informed decision on if it sounds like something you'd enjoy or not.
Once I write the review, I have to take pictures of myself in some outfit, pose, or whatever that is relevant to the book. And then I have to put it all up here and try to get it out every Saturday. And really, I am not a photographer and I struggle with having the time to do this every week. BUT! I want to be able to. So, I think the solution might be to broaden my book range.
Hear me out (you know, or don't, you're not a captive audience):
This week, I posted about why Goosebumps was an important book series to me as a child and I loved explaining myself. So much so, that I think I'm going to make several posts about books or series' that I read when I was younger that shaped me today. And, there is some nostalgia there. It makes me want to reread the books. So...I'm going to do that. And those will be part of my book reviews. Why not expand into children's and middle-grade books? That means I can do Fablehaven, and If You Give A Mouse A Cookie if I want to. And that sounds very fun to me.
So that's all I'm trying to say. I'm going to keep doing reviews, but they aren't always going to be adult (or YA) and maybe you won't find that as helpful. Or maybe you will. But why not have a little fun with my silly book reviews?

Thanks for reading! I'll be back in the New Year!