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Welcome to FOX FILES

Hey guys! My name is Cali Fox. I went through some life-altering stuff a few years ago (wow, over ten now. I feel old) and in my process of healing, I started working for the Jaydee Reporting Herald. It’s our local newspaper. And while what I do there isn’t terribly exciting, it does give me something to spend my free time on.

My husband, Dustin Demmer, and I tag team. He takes the pictures and I write columns on the who’s-who in town.

But there are some people whose interviews I can’t put in the paper. Ones that Dustin can’t help me with. Interviews I can’t explain. It’s weird so just hear me out.

I was in an accident, Dustin and I. There was a fire and we’re both lucky to be alive. Ever since I’ve had this heavy feeling of loss that just-it makes no sense. I feel like I lost my best friend Alexia all over again. But how? She’d already been gone for years before the fire. So truly, why do I feel this way? It’s something I truly have never been able to shake. I swear, sometimes I can hear her voice when it rains. I feel like she’s scared, or trapped, or lost. I don’t know. She’s dead and it makes no sense. I know that.

Still, after the fire, I started having these really vivid dreams. So vivid, they felt like memories even though they were often things that happened way before my lifetime. After a while, the dreams shifted again. I still had the old dreams, the ones that felt like memories, but less and less. Mostly, I had dreams like I was visiting places in the past. Real places filled with real people. And it wasn’t always the past. Sometimes I found myself in the present, but in some place that wasn’t Jaydee. And I know what you’re thinking: “Cali, you’re crazy!” and yeah, maybe that’s true. It just feels like there is something real going on. Sometimes I’ve been able to verify that the people I’ve spoken to are real. Sometimes not, but that’s just the nature of history, I suppose.

So, what does that have to do with anything, you may be asking. Well, I’ve started interviewing the folks from my dreams. I can’t change events (not that I’ve really tried, I guess), and I can’t bring the people here. I don’t know them before I go, so it’s not like I can tell them when they will die or like I know anything about them before I get there. Still, I interview them while I have my time with them. And now, I’ll be sharing them here, every Monday.

I call it Fox Files. My first interview will be next week! See you there!



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